Although Douglas believed in God, his obituary noted that he "never identified himself with any Church."
Although Douglas believed in God, his obituary noted that he "never identified himself with any Church."
Although the playwrights mock the William Jennings Bryan character, they are really focused on defending freedom of thought in a time of anti-communist hysteria.
“Waco.” If it can happen to Christians, in this nation of churchgoers, are atheists safe?
Ben Stein should have spent at least a few of this film’s 90 minutes giving us an idea of what the Intelligent Design theory actually explains. Intelligent Design is a science stopper!
Christians were more concerned with saving souls than freeing bodies, and in took the rise of Rationalism and Freethought, and the realization that without a social policy they would become irrelevant, before the churches found their voice.
"Atheism may be defined as the mental attitude which unreservedly accepts the supremacy of reason, independent of all arbitrary assumptions of authority and creeds."
Hitchens says, "I'm an atheist. I'm not neutral about religion, I'm hostile to it. I think it is a positively bad idea, not just a false one. And I mean not just organized religion, but religious belief itself."
The existence of God is irrelevant to Jain doctrine, making Jainism the oldest atheistic religion.
Conrad of Marburg, first Inquisitor of Germany, memorably vowed, "We would gladly burn a hundred if just one of them was guilty."
QUOTE: Since it was Christian doctrine that animals have no souls, there was no Church prohibition against ill-treatment throughout the Middle Ages.