Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
Palimpsest: My Take on "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"

In my estimation, The Force is a cheat code in the video-game Star Wars universe

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It's a Wonderful Lie

The story might be more accurately titled if you leave out one letter

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Tic Toc, Tic Toc, Tic Toc

Reposted from SocioPentothal: A last haven of truth Original posting 12/18/2016 “What can be done when an important fact is lost in a flood of impostors, and the voice of truth becomes drowned out in an ungodly din? When that voice, though freely resounding, cannot be heard, because the technologies of information have led to […]

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The Fits and Screams of a Dying Nation

Reposted from SocioPentothal: A last haven of truth Original posting 12/10/2016 It isn’t difficult to find deafening vitriol in American politics today. Comment sections of political, social, and religious websites are littered with poisonous diatribes, insults, and threats. Even news sites are riddled with the bullet holes of seething, scathing, demonizing hatred and rhetoric. The […]

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Russian Hacking – Or Sour Grapes?

Conveniently blaming a traditional enemy is not the way to handle the disappointing outcome of the 2016 U.S. election. By Ronald Bruce Meyer I would be highly skeptical of this so-called “bombshell” from the Washington Post. 1. Accusing Russia of “hacking” the 2016 U.S. election serves establishment interests, especially those of loser Hillary Clinton. 2. […]

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Real Is No Longer Reality

Reposted from SocioPentothal: A last haven of truth Original posting 12/9/2016 "But Idiot America is a collaborative effort, the results of millions of decisions made and not made, to reduce everything to salesmanship. Debate becomes corrupted argument, in which every point of view is just another product, no better or worse than all the others, […]

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Three Minutes to Midnight – Two – One…

Reposted from SocioPentothal: A last haven of truth Original posting 12/8/2016 On January 26, 2016, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Science and Security Board announced to the world that the hands of their Doomsday Clock would remain at three minutes to midnight: “Three minutes (to midnight) is too close. Far too close. We, the members […]

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Blind Trust, Faith = Fail

Reposted from SocioPentothal: A last haven of truth Original posting 12/6/2016 At the age of 13, my parents removed the white veil from their marriage to reveal darkness and extremely well hidden truth: My father didn’t want to be married to my mother, and my mother reacted to it by projecting my father’s transgressions, and […]

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The Beginning of the End

Reposted from SocioPentothal: A last haven of truth Original posting 12/5/2016 No. This is not a charade. It is not another form of “fake” news. I will not mislead you. I’m here to expose the truth. Facts, figures, evidence. That’s what I will offer. In the mainstream media, facts, figures, evidence are now the casualties […]

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Un Fare

Uber and like companies are cheating: cheating you, their drivers and the public.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

Week in Freethought History (July 8-14)

Here’s your Week in Freethought History: This is more than just a calendar of events or mini-biographies – it’s a reminder that, no matter how isolated and alone we may feel at times, we as freethinkers are neither unique nor alone in the world. Last Sunday, July 8, but in 1892, the American Psychological Association […]

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