Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
Was I Wrong?

One day in June, I stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts to buy an iced tea for the road. I noticed an SUV with a driver and three passengers had just parked in a handicap parking space. The vehicle displayed no handicap license tag and no handicap hangtag, and the driver did not appear obviously handicapped. The […]

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A New Union vs The Old Confederacy – The Resurrection

By Freethought Almanac Contributor R.J. Evans As the last visible vestige of the old South withers and dies with the retirement of the Confederate flag from southern statehouses, the New Union rejoices. It’s a victory nobody expected, but it came at the expense of nine lives, lost in a pool of blood on the floor […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

July 14: John Chancellor

John Chancellor (1927) It was on this date, July 14, 1927, that American news reporter, anchor, and NBC commentator John Chancellor was born in Chicago, Illinois. A high school drop-out, Chancellor got his first job as a copy boy at the Chicago Sun-Times. From there his assignments extended from the 1957 desegregation of Central High […]

Daily Almanac

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