Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
The Week in Freethought History (January 20-26)

Read about the Piltdown Man hoax exposed, feminist and freethinker Helen Hamilton Gardener, Lord Byron, French novelist Stendhal, Frederick the Great, Virginia Woolf, what escaped the Index of Prohibited Books and more …

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Religion in the 2nd Inaugural: Obama and Lincoln

Unlike that bygone era, when churches actually owned slaves, and people actually read sermons in their newspapers, today the old warhorse hobbles on splinted legs.

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The Week in Freethought History (January 13-19)

Read about feminist Ernestine Rose, Witch persecuters recanting, priest-turned-atheist Jean Meslier, Thomas Jefferson’s “Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom,” Benjamin Franklin, Baron de Montesquieu, Jacob Bronowski, Edgar Allan Poe and more …

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January 15: Jean Meslier (1678)

It was on this date, January 15, 1678, that the French priest who is remembered as a lifelong atheist, Jean Meslier, was born. Meslier has been described as the first person in the West to write an entire text in support of atheism – discovered, redacted (to make him a Deist) and promoted by Voltaire. […]

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The Week in Freethought History (January 6-12)

Read about Joan of Arc the Witch, Christian prostitution, execution for insulting Christ, Dave Matthews, “Common Sense” about monarchy, William James on Jesus, James Mark Baldwin and more …

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January 12: James Mark Baldwin (1861)

It was on this date, January 12, 1861, that American philosopher and psychologist James Mark Baldwin was born. He studied theology for a time at the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), but switched to philosophy and taught French and German at Princeton Theological Seminary. Baldwin made important contributions to early psychology, psychiatry, and […]

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The Week in Freethought History (December 30-January 5)

Read about Vatican recognition of Christ-Killers, the persecution of anatomist Andreas Vesalius, J.G. Frazer’s exposure of Christianity’s sources, Isaac Asimov, Roman statesman M.T. Cicero, the not-so-secret Fabian Society, the cleric drowned for promoting baptism, and more!

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Some Thoughts on "The Riddle Of The Gun"

Sam Harris has a blog posting that demands a thoughtful response. I thought I'd try one. Although this piece is thoughtful and well written, I think Sam Harris sounds like a shill for the bone-headed NRA plan to put armed guards in every school. It’s a stupid idea, not just because it over-reacts to what […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

This Week in Freethought History (February 17-23)

Read about Giordano Bruno, the bullies in the Church of Scientology, Svante Arrhenius, Robert Altman, Jimmy Swaggart, August Bebel, W.E.B Du Bois and more …

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