Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.

I can’t say that I ever saw her at her best. To me, she was always mildly befuddled, having left half her personality behind her in better times, when she still had a husband and still recognized her children. I did see her worst: as she lay there, eyes closed, simulating sleep. But this was […]

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The Week in Freethought History (October 21-27)

Here’s your Week in Freethought History: This is more than just a calendar of events or mini-biographies – it’s a reminder that, no matter how isolated and alone we may feel at times, we as freethinkers are neither unique nor alone in the world. Last Sunday, October 21, but in 1833, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel […]

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Quick Comment: Who Counts?

With all the attention the news media focus on what Republicans call Voter Verification (what with their voter ID laws and other restrictions), and what the rest of us call vote suppression, we who believe in freedom and liberty for all might reflect that our American electile dysfunction resides in too little voting, not too […]

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The Week in Freethought History (October 14-20)

Here’s your Week in Freethought History: This is more than just a calendar of events or mini-biographies – it’s a reminder that, no matter how isolated and alone we may feel at times, we as freethinkers are neither unique nor alone in the world. Last Sunday, October 14, but in 1950, Unification Church founder Sun […]

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October 18: George C. Scott (1927)

It was on this date, October 18, 1927, that American actor George C. Scott, winner of four Oscar nominations, was born George Campbell Scott in Wise, VA. Generally considered an actor’s actor, and known for his distinctive raspy voice, Scott was nominated for Broadway’s Tony Award five times and created memorable film characters in Anatomy […]

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A Vote For God

Alabama Governor George Wallace once famously said, “There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats.” If you look at the polling numbers between President Obama and his challenger Gov. Mitt Romney, it’s hard to escape that conclusion. How can that be, you ask, if the 2012 election sounds so contentious? I […]

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The Week in Freethought History (October 7-13)

Here’s your Week in Freethought History: This is more than just a calendar of events or mini-biographies – it’s a reminder that, no matter how isolated and alone we may feel at times, we as freethinkers are neither unique nor alone in the world. Last Sunday, October 7, but in 1865, U.S. businessman Ezra Cornell, […]

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Quick Comment: Debating Debating

This past Wednesday it looked like President Obama wouldn’t even take his own side in his debate with former Governor Mitt Romney. The subtext from Mr. Obama was “Please let me be President again because I’ll try harder next time.” The subtext from Mr. Romney was “I deserve to be president because I’m a rich […]

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The Week in Freethought History (September 30-October 6)

Here’s your Week in Freethought History: This is more than just a calendar of events or mini-biographies – it’s a reminder that, no matter how isolated and alone we may feel at times, we as freethinkers are neither unique nor alone in the world. Last Sunday, September 30, but in 1452, the first book printed […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

December 27: Louis Pasteur

Pasteur believed "the idea of God is a form of the idea of the Infinite, whether it is called Brahma, Allah, Jehovah, or Jesus." This is hardly orthodox Christianity.

Daily Almanac

Coming soon!

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