Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
This Week in Freethought History (September 15-21)

Read about President William Howard Taft, Grand Inquisitor Torquemada, French philosopher Marquis de Condorcet, scientist Steven Pinker, the execution of Giles Corey, muckraking author Upton Sinclair, novelist and social reform writer H. G. Wells and more …

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This Week in Freethought History (September 8-14)

Read about Skeptic Society founder Michael Shermer, French statesman Cardinal Richelieu, evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould, Cosmonaut Gherman S. Titov, Bard of Baltimore H. L. Mencken, Roger Williams and freedom of conscience, feminist Margaret Sanger and more …

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September 11: Gherman S. Titov (1935)

It was on this date, September 11, 1935, that Soviet Cosmonaut Gherman S. Titov (Герман С. Титов), was born in the Altai Republic, southern USSR. He studied at the Stalingrad Military Aviation School and, after graduating as an air force pilot, he was selected for cosmonaut training in 1960. Titov became, on 6-7 August 1961, […]

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September 8: Michael Shermer (1954)

It was on this date, September 8, 1954, that American science writer and science historian Michael Shermer was born Michael Brant Shermer in Glendale, California. Shermer earned a B.A. in psychology from Pepperdine University, an M.A. in experimental psychology from California State University, Fullerton, and a Ph.D. in the history of science from Claremont Graduate […]

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This Week in Freethought History (September 1-7)

Read about Alan M. Dershowitz, the Great Fire of London, philosopher John McTaggart, African-American poet Richard Wright, the Reign of Terror and the churches, biblical critic Bruno Bauer, Queen Elizabeth I and more …

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September 6: Bruno Bauer (1809)

It was on this date, September 6, 1809, that German philosopher, historian and Biblical critic Bruno Bauer was born at Eisenberg in Saxe-Altenburg. Bauer studied in Berlin and came under the influence of Georg W. F. Hegel (1770-1831). He began teaching in Berlin, but was transferred in 1839 to the University of Bonn after publishing […]

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September 3: John McTaggart (1866)

It was on this date, September 3, 1866, that British idealist metaphysician John McTaggart was born John McTaggart Ellis in London. The family dropped the name Ellis, so he attended Clifton College, Bristol, and Trinity College, Cambridge, as John McTaggart, studying under Henry Sidgwick and James Ward and taking First Class honors in Moral Sciences […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

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July 12: Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau (1817) It was on this date, July 12, 1817, the writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts. He graduated Harvard in 1837 and discovered a talent for writing about nature. Thoreau embraced the Transcendentalist belief in personal insight and experience, but he was neither a critical nor a […]

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