Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
June 7: Muhammad

"It was not the religion of Islam that was disseminated by the sword, but political sovereignty."

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November 18: God’s Storm Water Management

The Biblical Flood (2347 BCE) It was on this date, November 18, 2347 BCE, that Noah's Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, after 150 consecutive days of rain. We can be sure that this story is true, because the Judeo-Christian Bible tells us so, the Church Fathers say it was so, the […]

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August 7: Religion and Virginity

The Virgin Mary (1555) Religion and Virginity It was on this date, August 7, 1555, that Pope Paul IV, newly elected and nearly 80, issued an Ecclesiastical Constitution called "Cum quorundam," making it an article of faith that Mary, the mother of Jesus, "was a virgin before, during, and after the conception and birth of […]

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July 9: Modern Myth-Making – The Báb

The life of the Báb gives us an interesting illustration of how miracles and legends can attach themselves to recent historical figures.

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April 8: Buddha

Buddha (560 BCE) It was on this date, April 8, 560 BCE, according to tradition, that Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born in what is now modern Nepal. He grew up in a royal family, so he was sometimes called Prince Siddhartha, and at the age of twenty-nine, he left the kingdom, his […]

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January 1: James George Frazer

"[Frazer] was not an Atheist. I would say perhaps that he held his judgment in suspense." That is the common definition of an Agnostic.

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November 18: The Biblical Flood

If God wanted us to know the truth, he wouldn't have given us badly translated revelations!

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

January 19: James Watt

Andrew Carnegie says Watt was a Deist and never attended church.

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Coming soon!

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