Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
Too Blind to See What Isn't There

This conversation dates back to January 2014, I think, and it happened on a PM exchange with a recently accepted Facebook friend. Mind you, we had just met. I hope I handled his query respectfully. Or maybe he got more information than he bargained for. Could ARD have been trolling me—or trying to convert me? […]

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January 7: Heidi Fleiss, Religion and Prostitution

Prostitution, the crime underlying the crime for which Heidi Fleiss was jailed, has been present in every culture and every period of history.

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December 25: Christmas Day

Mithra — like Tammuz, Adonis, Apollo and Horus — was a sun-god. So you see, the "reason for the season" is not the son of any god, but the sun up in the sky!

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October 12: Columbus in the New World

Columbus Discovers the New World (1492) It was on this date, Friday, October 12, 1492, that Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas. Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in September or October 1451, and was reared a Roman Catholic. He became a Portuguese subject and married a Portuguese noblewoman, but had no success in persuading […]

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September 16: Tomás de Torquemada

Tomás de Torquemada (d. 1498) It was on this date, September 16, 1498, that the Grand Inquisitor of Spain, Tomás de Torquemada, died in Ávila. Born on a date uncertain in 1420 in what is now Valladolid, Torquemada was a Dominican monk – one of the famed "hounds of the Lord" (domini canes) – in […]

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September 5: Religion and Terror

The Reign of Terror (1793) and the Churches It was on this date, September 5, 1793, that an 11-month Reign of Terror began in France. Sometimes called the Red Terror, to distinguish it from the equally brutal but little-mentioned White Terror which followed it, the Reign of Terror lasted until the execution of Maximilian Robespierre […]

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August 8: Eating God

Quam singulari (1910): Christian Communion It was on this date, August 8, 1910, that "Quam singulari," a decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments, specified the age at which children are to be admitted to first Communion in the Roman Catholic Church.[1] The Catholic Encyclopedia, the authority on the subject, says that conditions for […]

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July 11: Excommunication

The Papacy abused excommunication freely and frequently for political advantage – so much so that a bishop would excommunicate a thief who stole his property!

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June 7: Muhammad

"It was not the religion of Islam that was disseminated by the sword, but political sovereignty."

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May 24: Samuel F.B. Morse Thanks God for What Man Hath Wrought (1844)

It was on this date, May 24, 1844, that Samuel F.B. Morse sent the message “What hath God wrought,” which inaugurated long-distance coded communication over the first telegraph line strung from Baltimore, Maryland, to his colleague Alfred Vail and an astonished Congress at the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the United States Capitol in Washington, […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

December 10: The First Playboy, Hugh M. Hefner

If a man has a right to find God in his own way, he has a right to go to the devil in his own way also.

Daily Almanac

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