Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.

Rants Index


Veterans Day Letter to a Soldier in Boot Camp

GPS and Its Discontents

Sex, Drugs and … Coffee?

Christians at the Door!

About “Game of Thrones”

Cruising with Tacky Art (And Those Dickless Greeks)

The “Religion” of Baseball

Who are we to judge another’s beliefs?

On 50

Religion in the 2nd Inaugural: Obama and Lincoln


Quick Comment: Scouts


Quick Comment: Who Counts?

A Vote For God

Quick Comment: Debating Debating

Teachers Are Not the Problem

Quick Comment: A Nation Is Not a Business

Patriotic and Idiotic

Quick Comment: No Secular Prayers

Drone Wars and Death Panels

Quick Comment: Man to Man

If Anyone Ever Tried It

Quick Comment: Political Chicken

Tipping Points

Hate Crimes and Liberal Justice

Freedom Isn’t Free (Freedom and Liberty for All)

Lady Parts and Legal Rights

The Debate We Never Had: The Arrest and Trial of Osama bin Laden

I Am a Pirate

We’re Born This Way

Not One Dime

The Courage to Distract Us

Contraception Controversy: A Religious War on Women

Deliver Us From Middle Class Morality


No Apologies? When Were Apologies Offered? A Message for Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2011

Visualize No Liberals

Give Up the Ghost: Rapping on Religion

Patriots and Scoundrels

Where Are the Churches?

Better Than God? 10 Reason Why I Am Better Than God (And So Are You!)

What’s the Harm?

When Jesus Comes: My Rapture

An Un-American Education

At What Cost?

Whose Side Are You On?

Why All the Fuss?

A Little Civility, Please

What Can Be Done? It’s the Judgment of God

We Don’t Have Time for This

Under God or Under Goal?

Paying Taxes When Hell Freezes Over

Deficit of Honesty

You Need Us, Brother

I’ll Pray For You


We Are Number One


Blasphemy – It Isn’t There

Spanish Orgasm

God, Capitalism and the Chilean Miners

Halloween: What Really Scares Me

Burn a Koran!

Hate Crimes = Thought Crimes

Death Is Better Than Life?

A “Mosque” at Ground Zero?

Proud to Be an American

Have a Blessed Day

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

November 6: Griff Rhys-Jones

Griff Rhys-Jones (1953) It was also on this date, November 6, 1953, that British comedian Griff Rhys-Jones was born in Cardiff, Wales. A partner and foil of Mel Smith, at one time Rhys-Jones had the distinction of being the richest comedian in British comedy. He is also one of the best educated: he attended Cambridge […]

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