Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
10 Reasons Why I’m Thankful for Donald Trump

Donald Trump has caused lasting damage to our country and our democracy, or at least to what many of us believed our country to be. But, unlike the slick charlatan who preceded him, DJT has pulled back the shroud on the rotting corpse of our Republic and revealed the maggoty remains. In that, he has […]

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Ana Kasparian (1986)

I grew up super-religious. ... And I’m now an atheist. And the reason why I’m an atheist is because of education. ... I made my own decision because I was empowered to do so.

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Bill Maher is a Republican

The supposed ‘left’ comedian is left behind I keep watching Bill Maher’s “Real Time” show on HBO, and have done so, Religulous-ly, almost since its inception in 2003. Although Maher was always irreverent toward religion, this was made crystal clear in his 2008 documentary, Religulous. I liked that about him, especially when he criticized the […]

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“Forced to Use Transgender Pronouns”

That was the breathless headline in RT (Russia Today) on October 4. But other news outlets started hyperventilating, as well, in characterizing the decision of the Birmingham employment tribunal of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as anti-religious discrimination. These included the BBC, Pulpit and Pen, Red State, American Thinker, and even the New […]

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Too Blind to See What Isn't There

This conversation dates back to January 2014, I think, and it happened on a PM exchange with a recently accepted Facebook friend. Mind you, we had just met. I hope I handled his query respectfully. Or maybe he got more information than he bargained for. Could ARD have been trolling me—or trying to convert me? […]

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Making the Rounds

I manage this house; I don’t own it. But my real estate property management experience has taught me to be protective of property belonging to my clients. And as an assisted living manager, I am protective of the residents within. So when I saw two smartly dressed strangers approach the door of the house as […]

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Atheist Hate Crime?

And do we really want our government reaching into our minds when meting out punishment? Really? I think Westerners tried that once before: it was called the Dark Ages.

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Murder, Hate Crime, Atheist

By Guest Contributor R.J. Evans Three young people were murdered in Chapel Hill, NC recently. They were college students and muslim. The killer is openly Atheist and anti-theist. The victims’ families, in their understandable grief, are calling the murders a “hate crime”, a trumped-up, politically correct charge that takes an already heinous crime and attempts […]

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We Believe in Free Speech

No, Really: All Evidence to the Contrary Years ago, when I was teaching public speaking to community college students, I started an impromptu debate on the topic of free speech. It was easy to get a student to take the “pro” side; nobody was willing to argue the “con,” so I did. What I said […]

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January 7: Heidi Fleiss, Religion and Prostitution

Prostitution, the crime underlying the crime for which Heidi Fleiss was jailed, has been present in every culture and every period of history.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

This Week in Freethought History (May 19-25)

Read about Anne Boleyn and Adultery, politically divergent son Ron Reagan, Alexander Pope, Richard Wagner, non-divine Dante, God’s servant Samuel F.B. Morse, Sir Ian McKellen, and more …

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