Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
’Twas the night before the night before Christmas…

I don’t usually find myself defending strangers, but when “J” hammered “P” on Facebook, I got out my hammer and hammered back. I hope I did well in defending socialism against capitalism. “J”: “P,” it is so cute that you feel you need to explain tax havens to someone who takes advantage of them. You […]

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Capitalism Enables Sexual Harassment

Let me take you on a little thought experiment, courtesy of Prof. Richard D. Wolff, lately of his weekly podcast, “Economic Update.” Dr. Wolff has opened my eyes on many things about economics and always makes relevant to me “the dismal science” (so calumniated by Victorian historian Thomas Carlyle). This past week the professor was […]

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Dear Democrats—What's Your Plan?

I recently received a campaign e-mail from the office of Democratic Senator Christopher van Hollen Jr. (D-MD). He asked for a donation. I asked for answers. ——— Dear Senator van Hollen, Yes, I voted for you. Maybe I’m old enough to know better and too young to stop, but every time I see one of […]

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Russian Hacking – Or Sour Grapes?

Conveniently blaming a traditional enemy is not the way to handle the disappointing outcome of the 2016 U.S. election. By Ronald Bruce Meyer I would be highly skeptical of this so-called “bombshell” from the Washington Post. 1. Accusing Russia of “hacking” the 2016 U.S. election serves establishment interests, especially those of loser Hillary Clinton. 2. […]

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Un Fare

Uber and like companies are cheating: cheating you, their drivers and the public.

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Top 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is a "Real" Christian

Trump seems to be afraid of damn near everything: brown people, other religions, the government, liberals, homosexuals, women breast feeding...

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Making the Rounds

I manage this house; I don’t own it. But my real estate property management experience has taught me to be protective of property belonging to my clients. And as an assisted living manager, I am protective of the residents within. So when I saw two smartly dressed strangers approach the door of the house as […]

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Language Larceny

What is wrong with education in America? How can a high school student be so wrong about the core principles of his country that he would utter such nonsense as this: “What makes you American is not the language you speak, but the ideas you believe in”? Those were the words of student leader Andrew […]

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Atheist Hate Crime?

And do we really want our government reaching into our minds when meting out punishment? Really? I think Westerners tried that once before: it was called the Dark Ages.

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Murder, Hate Crime, Atheist

By Guest Contributor R.J. Evans Three young people were murdered in Chapel Hill, NC recently. They were college students and muslim. The killer is openly Atheist and anti-theist. The victims’ families, in their understandable grief, are calling the murders a “hate crime”, a trumped-up, politically correct charge that takes an already heinous crime and attempts […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

This Week in Freethought History (April 14-20)

Read about the churches and slavery, Leonardo da Vinci, Anatole France, the Dark Ages of Pope Benedict III, the creationist film “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” the Branch Davidian Conflagration, the Columbine Massacre and more …

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