Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
October 28: Constantine the Christian

Constantine the Great (312 CE) It was on this date, October 28, 312 CE, that Roman emperor Constantine the Great, aged 32, is said to have conquered in the sign of the Christian faith. After seeing a vision of the Chi-Ro [ΧΡ] — indicating "Christ," his priestly advisors gleefully told him — he crossed the […]

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July 18: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

The Pope is infallible, not impeccable, says the "Catholic Encyclopedia."

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June 1: Freethought and Progress

The 1933 World's Fair celebrated a century of progress, but the foundations of that progress were freethinking and religious skepticism.

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April 4: Ignatius of Loyola, First Jesuit

The modus operandi of the Society of Jesus, and their “Jesuitry,” has always been the end justifies the means, so it is immaterial whether Ignatius, or the Society of Jesus, ever publicly expressed the thought.

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March 7: Luther Burbank

Burbank’s vague Emersonian theism had evolved into a militant Rationalism by the time he was nearing death.

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February 24: George Moore

Although he was agnostic, the Catholic-born Moore he preferred to be regarded as a Protestant – even though Protestants, too, found his ideas about Jesus troublesome.

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February 13: Religion and Education

The bishops fiercely resisted for thirty years the grant of any national subsidy for education, and for forty further years obstructed the demand for a national system.

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February 5: Hiram Maxim

Maxim was an aggressive Atheist. Maxim knew the Chinese statesman and general Li Hung Chang to be just as strong an Atheist as he was himself.

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December 14: The Lollard Heresy

It is characteristic of the teaching of European history that it assumes the general populace acquiesced in all the ideas of a church that diverged radically from the organization founded under the original gospels.

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November 4: Eden Phillpotts

"Though he remains an agnostic," McCabe write of his personal relationship with Phillpotts, "in recent years he has become milder and more conservative."

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

September 6: Jane Addams

Jane Addams (1860) It was on this date, September 6, 1860, that American social reformer Jane Addams, was born in Cedarville, Illinois. Addams graduated valedictorian from the Rockford Female Seminary in 1881. She met and became life-long friends with Ellen Gates Starr,* with whom she traveled in Europe from 1883-1885. There they studied social conditions. […]

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