Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
July 17: Phyllis Diller

Phyllis Diller (1917) It was on this date, July 17, 1917, that the comedienne and actress with the distinctive laugh, Phyllis Diller, was born Phyllis Ada Driver in Lima, Ohio. She was a San Francisco housewife with five children when her under-employed husband suggested she try to make a career of the comedic skits she […]

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July 17: Donald Sutherland

Donald Sutherland (1934) It was on this date, July 17, 1934, that actor Donald Sutherland was born Donald McNichol Sutherland in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. The unusual-looking, lanky actor reached a height of 6'4" (1.93 m) by adulthood, and his distinctive voice seems to have been bequeathed to his son, actor Kiefer Sutherland. After […]

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July 1: Charles Laughton

Laughton's brothers invited a procession of priests to attend the dying man, as he lay drugged and gasping for air. Laughton mused, "I wish they were more intelligent."

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May 25: Ian McKellen

"God, if She exists, isn't really a part of my life."

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May 17: Scared Straight... to Jesus

Godspell perpetuates the myth that Jesus was an apostle of peace, harmony and love.

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April 22: Jack Nicholson

“I resist all established beliefs... Do unto others: How much deeper into religion do we really need to go?”

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April 21: Inherit the Wind

Although the playwrights mock the William Jennings Bryan character, they are really focused on defending freedom of thought in a time of anti-communist hysteria.

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April 18: No Intelligence Displayed

Ben Stein should have spent at least a few of this film’s 90 minutes giving us an idea of what the Intelligent Design theory actually explains. Intelligent Design is a science stopper!

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March 19: Richard Francis Burton

He either believed all religions or none of them. He did not believe in a future life. A fairer estimate of Burton's religion might be that he was an Agnostic.

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February 25: The Passion of the Christ Released

"The Passion of the Christ" really amounts to sadomasochism and homeroticism, sending a political message that Mel Gibson’s true passion is anti-Semitism and Catholic fundamentalism.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

September 6: Jane Addams

Jane Addams (1860) It was on this date, September 6, 1860, that American social reformer Jane Addams, was born in Cedarville, Illinois. Addams graduated valedictorian from the Rockford Female Seminary in 1881. She met and became life-long friends with Ellen Gates Starr,* with whom she traveled in Europe from 1883-1885. There they studied social conditions. […]

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