Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
August 8: Eating God

Quam singulari (1910): Christian Communion It was on this date, August 8, 1910, that "Quam singulari," a decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments, specified the age at which children are to be admitted to first Communion in the Roman Catholic Church.[1] The Catholic Encyclopedia, the authority on the subject, says that conditions for […]

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March 15: French Headscarf Ban Becomes Law

There is one culture in France and it is French. Multiculturalism drives culture to its death.

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November 3: Joining Church and State

King Henry VIII and the First Act of Supremacy (1534) It was also on this date, November 3, 1534, that England's Parliament passed the first Act of Supremacy, thus making King Henry VIII head of the English church. Under Henry's urging, and in 276 words, Parliament gave to the head of state the role until […]

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April 11: Last Witch Burning in Germany (1775): Churches v. Witchcraft

Conrad of Marburg, first Inquisitor of Germany, memorably vowed, "We would gladly burn a hundred if just one of them was guilty."

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March 21: Benito Juárez

It was the atheist Benito Juárez who said, “Among individuals, as among nations, peace is the respect of others' rights."

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March 21: Jean Bapiste Joseph Fourier

After the fall of Napoleon, the Roman Catholic Church, with whom Fourier was never reconciled, saw to his persecution.

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January 26: The Index of Prohibited Books

In practice, the Church punished severely only those who questioned doctrine. More space on the “Index” was devoted to translations of the Bible than to any other work, including lewd ones.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

December 28: Apostates at Westminster Abbey

There is a curious collection of the impious residing eternally in and around Westminster: Ralph Vaughan Williams, Geoffrey Chaucer, Robert Browning, Charles Dickens, John Dryden – and the admittedly agnostic Charles Darwin!

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