Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
July 11: Excommunication

The Papacy abused excommunication freely and frequently for political advantage – so much so that a bishop would excommunicate a thief who stole his property!

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November 3: Joining Church and State

King Henry VIII and the First Act of Supremacy (1534) It was also on this date, November 3, 1534, that England's Parliament passed the first Act of Supremacy, thus making King Henry VIII head of the English church. Under Henry's urging, and in 276 words, Parliament gave to the head of state the role until […]

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June 15: Condemning Martin Luther

Martin Luther Condemned (1520) It was on this date, June 15, 1520, that Pope Leo X (p. 1513-1521) issued the Bull Exsurge Domine (Arise, O Lord), condemning Martin Luther for forty-one doctrinal errors and threatening him with excommunication if he would not recant. It is instructive to note the nature of the time and the […]

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December 7: End of the Great Schism

If the supposedly perfect Supreme Being was right in 1965, was he wrong in 1054 — when both excommunication and faith were stronger?

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November 24: Baruch Spinoza

Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza (1632) It was on this date, November 24, 1632, that Portuguese-Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza was born in Amsterdam to a family settled in Holland. The family were Portuguese crypto-Jews — that is, Jews forcibly converted to Christianity while secretly remaining Jewish. Spinoza was a bright student in the Talmud Torah school and […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

This Week in Freethought History (March 3-9)

Read about Ira Glass, Penn Jillette, the brutal Pope Eugene IV, Gabriel García Márquez, André Morellet the Encyclopedist, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Mirabeau the revolutionist and more …

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