Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
July 4: Giuseppe Garibaldi

Garibaldi wrote two years before his death and bluntly said, "Dear friends — Man created God, not God Man. Yours ever, Garibaldi."

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April 23: Stephen A. Douglas

Although Douglas believed in God, his obituary noted that he "never identified himself with any Church."

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November 26: The First Thanksgiving

The three days of feasting, dancing, singing and game-playing at the first Thanksgiving would not have fit the decorum dictated by Pilgrim piety.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

May 4: Horace Mann

Mann believed in an impersonal God but rejected immortality. The Dictionary of American Biography described him as "a Puritan without a theology."

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Coming soon!

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