Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
February 27: Ernest Renan

Ernest Renan, who did not believe in a future life, once said, "I know that when I am dead nothing of me will remain." He remained a Pantheist throughout his life.

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December 10: Averroës

Averroës, in his own beliefs, substituted a vague Pantheism or World-Soul for the impersonal God of Aristotle. He did not believe in personal immortality.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

February 2: Ayn Rand

"Religion," Rand noted, "is the first enemy of the ability to think. ...yet before they learn to think [men] are discouraged by being ordered to take things on faith. Faith is the worst curse of mankind."

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