Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
August 8: Eating God

Quam singulari (1910): Christian Communion It was on this date, August 8, 1910, that "Quam singulari," a decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments, specified the age at which children are to be admitted to first Communion in the Roman Catholic Church.[1] The Catholic Encyclopedia, the authority on the subject, says that conditions for […]

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March 21: Benito Juárez

It was the atheist Benito Juárez who said, “Among individuals, as among nations, peace is the respect of others' rights."

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December 2: Hernando Cortes

In his Christian conquest, Cortes committed perhaps the greatest crime to history: he nearly obliterated the Aztec culture in his zeal. So when Cortes died, on this date in 1547, he died a good Catholic, if not a good man.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

June 9: Bertha von Suttner for Peace

In her “Memoirs” Von Suttner remarked that if she had been asked in her youth to describe her religion, she would have said, "None – I am too religious."

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