Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
August 10: Churches v. Astronomy

Royal Observatory Opens (1675): Churches v. Astronomy It was on this date, August 10, 1675, that, by order of King Charles II, the foundation stone of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, south London, was laid. The rationale was chiefly commercial: to improve knowledge of the positions of stars in order to aid navigation. The first […]

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January 26: The Index of Prohibited Books

In practice, the Church punished severely only those who questioned doctrine. More space on the “Index” was devoted to translations of the Bible than to any other work, including lewd ones.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

April 25: Watson and Crick Describe DNA

Said Watson, "Occasionally, I meet them [strongly religious scientists] and I'm a bit embarrassed because I can't believe that anyone accepts truth by revelation."

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