Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
October 11: Fidei Defensor

Henry VIII (1521): Defender of the Faith It was on this date, October 11, 1521,* that Pope Leo X conferred the title Fidei Defensor, which is Latin for "Defender of the Faith," on England's King Henry VIII. That Medici pope, whose profligate spending and perverse pleasures were the outrage of Rome, was a staunch opponent […]

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January 1: Huldrych Zwingli

From 1522 he cohabited with Anna Reinhard, producing four children, with no discernable diminution of Zwingli's ecclesiastical effectiveness.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

This Week in Freethought History (November 17-23)

Read about “Frailty” and doing what God commands, English experimental physicist Patrick Blackett, American film actress and director Jodie Foster, English Romantic poet Thomas Chatterton, Voltaire, American comedian Rodney Dangerfield, American poet and historian Jennifer Michael Hecht, and more …

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