Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
February 26: Victor Hugo

To a census-taker, who asked him in 1872 if he was a Catholic, Hugo replied, "No. A Freethinker." Hugo predicted that Christianity would soon disappear, but men would still believe in God.

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January 29: Thomas Paine

Paine wrote, “the Bible and the Testament are impositions upon the world” and that “religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.”

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Jeremy’s Opinionated Introduction to Freethought part 2

Does being an atheist make you a Freethinker? Does believing in a God keep you from being a freethinker?

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

Week in Freethought History (July 8-14)

Here’s your Week in Freethought History: This is more than just a calendar of events or mini-biographies – it’s a reminder that, no matter how isolated and alone we may feel at times, we as freethinkers are neither unique nor alone in the world. Last Sunday, July 8, but in 1892, the American Psychological Association […]

Daily Almanac

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