Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
May 26: Alse Young Executed for Witchcraft

Alse Young (1647): First American Execution for Witchcraft It was on this date, May 26, 1647, that the first witch was hanged in America for the crime of witchcraft. Alse Young was arrested, tried for this capital offense in Windsor, Connecticut, and hanged at Meeting House Square in Hartford, on what is now the site […]

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April 11: Last Witch Burning in Germany (1775): Churches v. Witchcraft

Conrad of Marburg, first Inquisitor of Germany, memorably vowed, "We would gladly burn a hundred if just one of them was guilty."

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January 6: Joan of Arc

Since those who believed Joan a witch and those who believed her a messenger of God subscribed to the same superstitions, it is of little consequence whose side is right.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

This Week in Freethought History (August 25-31)

Read about forging the Shroud of Turin, American feminist activist Barbara Ehrenreich, Confucius, philosopher G. W. F. Hegel, writer Maurice Maeterlinck, investor Warren Buffet, scientist Hermann von Helmholtz and more …

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