Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
October 19: Leigh Hunt

Leigh Hunt (1784) It was on this date, October 19, 1784, that English writer James Leigh Hunt was born in Southgate, Middlesex. His father was a clergyman, but got into financial difficulties and ended up in a debtor's prison, leaving Leigh Hunt in the care of his mother. Early on, Hunt developed a twin passion […]

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February 10: Charles Lamb

Lamb was a complete agnostic from 1801, and from 1829 he was no longer even a Unitarian.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

January 1: James George Frazer

"[Frazer] was not an Atheist. I would say perhaps that he held his judgment in suspense." That is the common definition of an Agnostic.

Daily Almanac

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