Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
May 19: Executed for Adultery

The Catholic Church has been hypocritical in its position on divorce and adultery.

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December 30: The Vatican Recognizes Israel

It came about 50 years too late for the Holocaust. So... if God is right today, and Jews are not "reviled of God," was he wrong in the Dark Age, when faith was stronger?

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November 4: Egyptian Religion Revealed

The reign of Amenhotep III is generally considered Egypt's Golden Age, yet historians call it an age of heresy. "If I knew where God is," says one inscription, "I would certainly make an offering to him."

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

November 13: Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850) It was on this date, November 13, 1850, that Scottish essayist, poet, and author of fiction and travel books, Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh. He once quarreled with his father over religion and, thereafter, rarely mentioned his hostility to it. From childhood, Stevenson suffered from tuberculosis. He spend much […]

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