Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
April 21: Inherit the Wind

Although the playwrights mock the William Jennings Bryan character, they are really focused on defending freedom of thought in a time of anti-communist hysteria.

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March 22: The Butler Act and Evolution (1925)

In 1967, teacher Gary L. Scott, was fired under the Butler Act, took it to court, and this time got the Tennessee Senate to repeal it. Attacks on the science of human origins continue to this day.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

August 19: Gene Roddenberry

Gene Roddenberry (1921) It was on this date, August 19, 1921, that the creator of the Star Trek TV series, Eugene Wesley Roddenberry was born in El Paso, Texas. The family moved to Los Angeles before Gene was two and his father became a career police officer. Roddenberry took classes in law enforcement but got […]

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