Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
October 22: The End of the World

End of the World? The Great Disappointment (1844) It was on this date, October 22, 1844, that the world did not end. What may appear obvious at this late date, was believed by about 100,000 followers of Baptist preacher William Miller. Miller made meticulous calculations from the Bible – something Irish Archbishop James Ussher had […]

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November 18: Jim Jones and the People's Temple Suicide

The People's Temple mass suicide was not unique. As far back as Masada, otherwise good people have abandoned their good sense for a bad promise.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

April 26: Eugène Delacroix

Delacroix supported the French Revolution against the Catholic monarchy and was an ardent rationalist.

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