Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
January 22: August Strindberg

His novella “The Eward of Virtue” included a description of the Last Supper for which Strindberg was charged with blasphemy. He was acquitted in spite of some passages that were virulently anti-Christian.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

October 2: Patrick Geddes

Sir Patrick Geddes (1854) It was on this date, October 2, 1854, that the "father of town planning," Scottish biologist Sir Patrick Geddes was born in Ballater in Aberdeenshire. He grew up in Perthshire, and studied variously at London, Paris, Edinburgh, and Montpellier Universities. Geddes traveled widely and taught physiology, zoology, botany, sociology, civics and […]

Daily Almanac

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