Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
October 29: The Faith of Cyrus the Great

Cyrus the Great Conquers Babylon (539 BCE):The End of the Babylonian "Captivity" It was on this date, October 29, 539 BCE, that the city of Babylon fell to the army led by Cyrus the Great (576-7/529 BCE), Emperor of Persia.[1] The city of Babylon, which was located south of Baghdad in what is now Iraq, […]

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June 30: Compelling Genesis as History

Catholics were compelled to accept as genuine history the childish and derivative stories of the Creation, the Garden of Eden, the Fall, the Flood, and the confusion of languages at Babel.

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December 30: The Vatican Recognizes Israel

It came about 50 years too late for the Holocaust. So... if God is right today, and Jews are not "reviled of God," was he wrong in the Dark Age, when faith was stronger?

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

October 2: William Ramsay

Sir William Ramsay (1852) It was on this date, October 2, 1852, that British inorganic chemist and Nobel Laureate Sir William Ramsay was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He learned his Rationalism at Tübingen University, Germany and, after publishing several notable papers between 1885 and 1890, Ramsay co-discovered the elements argon (Ar 1894), helium (He 1895), […]

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