Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
“Rebels in the Capitol! How did they ever get in?”

LETTER TO BORIS† January 31 Дорогой Борис, Now that the election and insurrection are over, I feel it is safe to write to you. What must you think today of your adopted country? Surely you must believe we are ruled by madmen and madwomen? The thought has certainly crossed my own mind! It’s as if […]

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Russians Invade Italy!

LETTER TO BORIS† July 23 Дорогой Борис, I see you have sent me a video of the Russian Army invading Italy with Italian masterpieces of opera in choral style. You point out that in this way, Russian agents secretly distribute militaristic ideas among all nations. Seeing the grateful Italian audience applaud this propaganda, supposedly intended […]

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The Russian Threat

But what about Russian aggression? If you consider how aggressively Russia has located itself so close to Europe...

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When Fascism Comes to America...

In 1917 and 1918 labor leader Eugene V. Debs did speak about oppressors and tyrants who wrapped themselves ‘in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both.’

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How Can One Not Be Antifa?

If you’re not Antifa, doesn’t that make you a fascist?

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Incredibly Ugly Inevitably

“Ugly” is what fascists do best. Whether or not “inevitably,” I agree that “Ugly things will get less ugly … hopefully.”

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

January 23: Stendhal

"All religions are founded on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few," Stendhal said. "The only excuse for God is that there is no such person."

Daily Almanac

Coming soon!

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