Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
July 18: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

The Pope is infallible, not impeccable, says the "Catholic Encyclopedia."

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July 13: Pious Fraud

The Third Secret of Fátima Revealed (1917) It was on this date, July 13, 1917, that the Third Secret of Fátima was revealed by the Virgin Mary to three peasant children in a rural village north of Lisbon. At least, that is how Lucia dos Santos remembered it. But by this time she had been […]

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July 6: Jan Hus Burned for His Opinion

It is said that Hus's doctrinal divergences with the Church were socially harmful, but that is laughable given the corruption against which he had been protesting.

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January 27: Are Indulgences “Sold”?

one could pay money, get change, and receive a piece of paper with which one got remission of sin. The price is stipulated and there is no indulgence without "alms." That sounds like a sale.

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December 7: End of the Great Schism

If the supposedly perfect Supreme Being was right in 1965, was he wrong in 1054 — when both excommunication and faith were stronger?

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

December 19: Richard E. Leakey

I believe it is man who created God in his image and not the other away around; also I see no reason to believe in life after death.

Daily Almanac

Coming soon!

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