Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
September 29: Michael Servetus

Michael Servetus (1511) It was on this date, September 29, 1511,* that the Spanish cleric Miguel Serveto, known by his Latinized name, Michael Servetus, was born in Villanueva. Recognizing an incipient intellect, at the age of 13, his father, a Roman Catholic cleric, sent his son to study at the University of Zaragoza/Lerida. It developed […]

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July 8: Religion vs. Psychology

Freethinkers such as Voltaire in France and John Locke in England pushed back the night of superstition with the light of reason.

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May 10: Religion and Censorship

"The fatwa by Imam Khomeini in regards to the apostate Salman Rushdie will be in effect forever."

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

October 10: Henry Cavendish

Henry Cavendish (1731) It was also on this date, October 10, 1731, that British physicist and pioneer chemist Henry Cavendish was born in Nice, France. The son of Lord Charles Cavendish, and nephew of the Duke of Devonshire, he entered St. Peter's College, Cambridge in 1749 at age 18, but left without graduating four years […]

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