Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
May 4: Thomas Henry Huxley

Huxley invented the term agnostic to describe his view that the mind cannot reach realities beyond the senses. He disdained Christian doctrines.

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December 8: Baron d'Holbach

Baron D'Holbach (1723) Many men without morals have attacked religion because it was contrary to their inclinations. Many wise men have despised it because it seemed to them ridiculous. Many persons have regarded it with indifference, because they have never felt its true disadvantages. But it is as a citizen that I attack it, because […]

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June 5: Adam Smith

It is generally accepted that Adam Smith was at most a Deist, but considering how close he was to Hume, he may in fact have been an Agnostic.

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April 22: Immanuel Kant

"Apart from moral conduct," Kant wrote, "all that man thinks himself able to do in order to become acceptable to God is mere superstition and religious folly."

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November 28: Sir Leslie Stephen

Stephen said he never lost his faith because he never had any and helped to bring Thomas Henry Huxley's newly coined word, "agnostic," into vogue.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

April 13: Madalyn Murray O’Hair

"Atheism may be defined as the mental attitude which unreservedly accepts the supremacy of reason, independent of all arbitrary assumptions of authority and creeds."

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