Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
August 11: Pope Alexander VI

Alexander VI (1492) It was on this date, August 11, 1492, that Rodrigo Borgia was elected Pope Alexander VI. That he lived lavishly, showered gifts and offices on his relatives, kept mistresses and fathered children while occupying the chair of Peter, and was indifferent to his church duties – all documented in detail by contemporary […]

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June 2: Religion and Comets

"The heathen write that the comet may arise from natural causes, but God creates not one that does not fortoken a sure calamity."

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

Week in Freethought History (August 12-18)

Here’s your Week in Freethought History: This is more than just a calendar of events or mini-biographies – it’s a reminder that, no matter how isolated and alone we may feel at times, we as freethinkers are neither unique nor alone in the world. Last Sunday, August 12, but in 1988, Martin Scorsese’s film, The […]

Daily Almanac

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