Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
October 21: Religion and the Nobel Prizes

Alfred Nobel (1833) It was on this date, October 21, 1833, that Swedish chemist Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm. It is one of the ironies of his life that a man who made his fortune in the invention and manufacture of weapons of war – dynamite and other nitroglycerine derivatives – bequeathed among […]

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August 30: Warren Buffet

Warren Buffett (1930) It was on this date, August 30, 1930, that Warren Buffett, known as "the Oracle of Omaha," was born in Omaha, Nebraska. As Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett became perhaps the greatest investor of all time – reportedly worth almost $43 billion – second in wealth only to Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates. […]

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March 7: Aristotle

Plato and Aristotle had only one thing in common: they had very few followers in their time. To his credit, Aristotle rejected the idea of personal immortality and of a personal God.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

September 15: William Howard Taft

William Howard Taft (1857) It was on this date, September 15, 1857, that the 27th US President, William Howard Taft, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, the son of a Unitarian. As he grew up, in the late 1850s, Dr. Moncure D. Conway, author of The Life of Thomas Paine, was his church minister. Taft graduated […]

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