Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.

It’s (Not) Mueller Time. It’s MT.

MuellerLiedSpecial counsel Robert Mueller has found that neither Donald Trump nor any of his aides colluded with Russia during the 2016 election, according to letter delivered to Congress on today by the US Attorney General. … Despite the high-profile indictments of several key Trump associates, like former campaign manager Paul Manafort, former lawyer Michael Cohen and former adviser Roger Stone, none of these indictments was related to collusion, and no further indictments will be issued.

The report did, however, find that Russian interests attempted to meddle in the election through disinformation and social media campaigns, for which numerous Russian nationals were brought up on charges during the course of the investigation. But. Even the Mueller report admits there was not much effect in swaying votes. The IRA spent $46,000 on pre-election day Facebook ads compared to $81 million spent by Clinton and Trump together.

AOC 032419 1354It also found that Russian military personnel hacked into and stole emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign and various Democrat parties, which they then distributed through third-party sites, including WikiLeaks. But. There are technical reasons why the hacking could not have been done over the Internet – the file transfer rate was too rapid for anything but a thumb drive – and even if the Russians did hack the Podesta emails, the content of the emails showed how the DNC was committing fraud against then-candidate Bernie Sanders. This skullduggery being something Americans would want know about, I think we should be thanking  the hackers, not indicting them!

In total, the probe cost a reported $25.2 million. I hope the Democrats got their money’s worth!

William BarrSo. Now that Mr. Mueller has dropped his report on Trump loyalist William Barr – who believes if the president does it, even if it amounts to obstruction of justice, it is not illegal, i.e., the “unitary presidency” – House Democrats can spend endless hours on hearings and investigations to save them from their failed presidential strategy in 2016. And that’s OK because all the other problems and crises of this democratic republic have been resolved.

Here is a list of problems we can afford to ignore because Democrats think their most urgent problem is Donald J. Trump—

AOC 032419 1400Anthropogenic climate destruction (climate change; global warming), which includes pollution (byproduct of capitalism)
• Extinction of wild animals, bees (byproduct of capitalism)
• Income inequality (caused by capitalism)
• Poverty (caused by capitalism)
• Government accountability and transparency / government corruption
• Lack of food and water security (caused by capitalism)
• Lack of access to education (caused by capitalism)
• Lack of economic opportunity and employment (caused by capitalism)
• Substance abuse (byproduct of capitalism)
• Terrorism (byproduct of imperialism, a natural extension of capitalism)

Or maybe not. Maybe, as I predicted, the Mueller Report is a big nothing – uncovering lots of shady dealings and likely obstruction of justice but no Russian Collusion – and Democrats will still have to look their constituents in the eyes and explain why they continue to make the same mistakes and continue to lose.

The Mueller Report came up empty. It isn’t Mueller Time.

One comment on “It’s (Not) Mueller Time. It’s MT.”

  1. Another good one, Mr. Mill. Thanks. I am not an anti-Trump crusader, I think a few of his most important stances are valid (the rest I try to ignore and hope he will come around), and I have less antipathy towards the evils of (the "C" word) capitalism than my friends (over there on my left) but I liked how you wrote this. Not necessarily because you agree the collusion was overblown, but because what you say makes common sense and also because you throw your zingers in there tastefully...
    And ‘Person A’ in the indictment cannot be Trump, unless Trump is fluent in Russian. Trump isn’t even fluent in English!) haha! somewhat true in his Trumpweets at least
    pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch – a funny word that in English means “rich asshole” haha!
    Thanks for the adroit humor. As soon as I hear ("most evil...since Hitler... bla bla bla" something in me just shuts down anymore and I don't want to hear it. But this I can read. Thanks!

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