Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
September 5: Religion and Terror

The Reign of Terror (1793) and the Churches It was on this date, September 5, 1793, that an 11-month Reign of Terror began in France. Sometimes called the Red Terror, to distinguish it from the equally brutal but little-mentioned White Terror which followed it, the Reign of Terror lasted until the execution of Maximilian Robespierre […]

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April 4: Ignatius of Loyola, First Jesuit

The modus operandi of the Society of Jesus, and their “Jesuitry,” has always been the end justifies the means, so it is immaterial whether Ignatius, or the Society of Jesus, ever publicly expressed the thought.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

November 15: Albert the Great

Albertus Magnus (d. 1280) It was on this date, November 15, 1280, that Albertus Magnus or Albert the Great, died at Cologne, in what is now Germany. Albert was born about 1206, the son of the Count of Bollstädt, and made his early studies at the University of Padua, where Latin translations from Greek of […]

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