Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
August 17: The Soul of Confession

Bill Clinton's "Map Room" Speech (1998): Churches and Confession It was on this date, August 17, 1998, that then-President Bill Clinton made his famous Map Room speech – a confession that he did indeed have inappropriate sexual relations with White House intern Monica Lewinski. Although not a Roman Catholic, President Clinton's simultaneously regretful and defiant […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

March 27: John Ballance (1839)

It was on this date, March 27, 1839, that the future 14th Premier of New Zealand, John Balance, was born in Mallusk, County Antrim, in Northern Ireland. Interested in books as a youth, he eventually became interested in politics. But, having witnessed the damage caused by religious rioting when in Belfast, Ballance also became committed […]

Daily Almanac

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