Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
October 4: Swearing to God

Promise Keepers March on Washington (1997) It was on this date, October 4, 1997, that a group calling themselves the Promise Keepers gathered on the Mall in Washington DC. Promise Keepers calls itself “a Christ-centered organization dedicated to introducing men to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord; and then helping them to grow as […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

October 13: Rudolf Virchow

Rudolf Virchow (1821) It was on this date, October 13, 1821, that German pathologist, anthropologist and politician, Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow, was born in Schivelbein, Pomerania, Prussia. Rudolf Virchow was one of the keenest minds in 19th century medicine in Europe, the founder of the science of cellular pathology – the theory that disease arises […]

Daily Almanac

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