Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
November 9: Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan (1934) It was on this date, November 9, 1934, that American astronomer and science author Carl Edward Sagan was born in New York City. Carl Sagan earned degrees in physics, astronomy and astrophysics. He taught at Cornell from 1968 and was a consultant on NASA's Mariner, Viking, Voyager and Galileo expeditions to other […]

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November 9: Carl Sagan + Ivan Turgenev

The method of science is tried and true. It is not perfect, it's just the best we have. (Carl Sagan)

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

June 4: Susan Jacoby (1945)

It was on this date, June 4, 1945, that American writer and independent scholar Susan Jacoby was born. A journalist for the Washington Post and other publications for over 25 years, and author of the Post’s weekly column, “The Spirited Atheist,” Jacoby has authored the 1984 Pulitzer Prize finalist Wild Justice: The Evolution of Revenge, […]

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