Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
Dear Democrats—What's Your Plan?

I recently received a campaign e-mail from the office of Democratic Senator Christopher van Hollen Jr. (D-MD). He asked for a donation. I asked for answers. ——— Dear Senator van Hollen, Yes, I voted for you. Maybe I’m old enough to know better and too young to stop, but every time I see one of […]

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Progressive thought on current taxation policies.

We have another 2 more years of Bush tax cut extensions, which is nothing more than an extension of Reaganomics. The plan is simple: Use the govt to redirect 90% of the countries wealth into the pockets of the richest 1%...anyone who complains about this redirection of wealth will be branded a communist who advocates […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

November 3: Ludovic Kennedy

Sir Ludovic Kennedy (1919) It was on this date, November 3, 1919, that British writer and broadcaster Ludovic Henry Coverley Kennedy was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Ludovic Kennedy, the son of a sea captain who died in battle, saw action himself in World War II in the Royal Navy, then embarked on a successful career […]

Daily Almanac

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