Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
Arguments for benevolent theism eventual break down to malevolent polytheism

How all arguments for benevolent theism eventual break down to malevolent polytheism. Part one. In this multiple part series I will be discussing in depth how all arguments for benevolent theisms (wether poly or not) are merely a moving of the goal posts by those who argue for it. I will show you that ALL […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

August 2: John Tyndall

John Tyndall (1820) It was on this date, August 2, 1820, that British physicist John Tyndall was born in County Carlow, Ireland, to English Protestant parents. Tyndall left school at the age of 17, with a grounding in basic mathematics and worked for a time as a surveyor in the Irish Civil Service. Higher education […]

Daily Almanac

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