Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
December 17: Christmas and Saturnalia

Most of the pagan cults are exterminated now, thanks to the love of Christ, but the celebrations continue under new management. It seems that the pagan spirit, minus the bloodshed of the executed-then-resurrected redeemer-god, lives on.

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

November 26: Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz (1922) It was on this date, November 26, 1922, that the creator of Snoopy, Lucy, Charlie Brown and the other characters of the "Peanuts" comics world, cartoonist Charles M. Schulz, was born in St. Paul Minnesota. There is little dispute that Schulz, or "Sparky," as his friends called him, started out his […]

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