Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
November 4: Eden Phillpotts

"Though he remains an agnostic," McCabe write of his personal relationship with Phillpotts, "in recent years he has become milder and more conservative."

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November 4: Egyptian Religion Revealed

The reign of Amenhotep III is generally considered Egypt's Golden Age, yet historians call it an age of heresy. "If I knew where God is," says one inscription, "I would certainly make an offering to him."

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

August 14: John Galsworthy

John Galsworthy (1867) It was on this date, August 14, 1867, that British novelist and dramatist John Galsworthy was born into a prosperous family in Kingston Hill, Surrey. He was educated at Harrow and studied law at New College, Oxford. Galsworthy took to travel and, in 1893 met the novelist Joseph Conrad – afterward deciding […]

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