Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
November 15: William Pitt the Elder

William Pitt the Elder (1708) It was on this date, November 15, 1708, that "The Great Commoner," English statesman William Pitt the Elder, was born in London. After attending Oxford, Pitt stood for Parliament, where he attracted followers by opposing the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole. He was a novel politician in a largely corrupt […]

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November 15: William Pitt + Albertus Magnus

William Pitt the Elder (1708) It was on this date, November 15, 1708, that "The Great Commoner," English statesman William Pitt the Elder, was born in London. After attending Oxford, Pitt stood for Parliament, where he attracted followers by opposing the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole. He was a novel politician in a largely corrupt […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

This Week in Freethought History (August 18-24)

Read about the King of Siam’s Eclipse, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, fantasy author H. P. Lovecraft, What is a saint?, science fiction writer Ray Bradbury, What is a church?, comedian Stephen Fry and more …

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