Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
No Intelligence Displayed

The following is a commentary in an ongoing series of “Reflections” by John Mill. John Mill is the radio persona of Ronald Bruce Meyer and can be heard on “American Heathen.” “The American Heathen” Internet radio broadcast is aired, live, on Friday nights from 7:00pm-10:00pm Central time on No Intelligence Displayed A Reflection by […]

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Why All the Fuss?

It’s up to us, the “extreme middle” at “American Heathen,” to bring balance back.

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A Little Civility, Please

Even when they are in the majority, like Christians, they use a tactic of playing victim, set upon by the tiny voices of Freethinkers and other religious dissenters.

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What Can Be Done?

The following is a commentary in an ongoing series of “Reflections” by John Mill. John Mill is the radio persona of Ronald Bruce Meyer and can be heard on “American Heathen.” “The American Heathen” Internet radio broadcast is aired, live, on Friday nights from 7:00pm-10:00pm Central time on What Can Be Done? It’s the […]

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We Don’t Have Time for This

It makes just as much sense to assign blame irrationally, like the El Paso pea brain, as it does to calculate risk irrationally. That is, it makes none.

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Under God or Under Goal?

Which is it, America? If we choose divisiveness, demons and deities, there’s no point in having a nation. Maybe it’s time we had a little class warfare...

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Paying Taxes When Hell Freezes Over

So when are Christian Nationalist Republicans going to get the churches to stop being freeloaders pay their fair share? Probably when hell freezes over!

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Deficit of Honesty

The American people are not clamoring for tax cuts for rich people. They’re clamoring for jobs. And to keep their homes. And to keep their pensions, gambled away by Wall Street.

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You Need Us, Brother

The following is a commentary in an ongoing series of “Reflections” by John Mill. John Mill is the radio persona of Ronald Bruce Meyer and can be heard on “American Heathen.” “The American Heathen” Internet radio broadcast is aired, live, on Friday nights from 7:00pm-10:00pm Central time on You Need Us, Brother A Reflection […]

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I'll Pray for You

I hope nobody stops the EMT and says, “Wait, let’s pray first!”

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

March 26: Richard Dawkins

“One of the things that is wrong with religion is that it teaches us to be satisfied with answers which are not really answers at all.”

Daily Almanac

Coming soon!

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