Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.
Quick Comment: Man to Man

Whenever a guy says he wants to talk with me “man to man,” I assume he is up to no good. He either can’t get what he wants by just speaking right out; or he’s trying to get around my woman by playing me against her; or he’s trying to validate an uncertain masculinity. I’m […]

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Police vs. the Occupy Movement

Are the Police Serving the 99% Or Are They a Praetorian Guard for the 1%? Under Ancient Rome before the Christian Era, if you were a general in the field, building on the conquests that became the Roman Empire, you surrounded yourself with hand-picked soldiers – the best of the best, an elite gathered to […]

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No Apologies? When Were Apologies Offered?

A Message for Pearl Harbor Day December 7, 2011 By Ronald Bruce Meyer Occasionally, I’m treated to extended anecdotes via e-mail from my brother. He doesn’t write them, of course, but he agrees with them and passes them on, usually without looking any deeper into them (or even correcting the spelling and grammar). The following […]

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When Were Apologies Offered?

Occasionally, I’m treated to extended anecdotes via e-mail from my brother. He doesn’t write them, of course, but he agrees with them and passes them on, usually without looking any deeper into them (or even correcting the spelling and grammar). The following series of anecdotes is no exception. Under the subject line “No Apologies Accepted,” […]

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Hammurabi and the 99%

By Ronald Bruce Meyer 11/27/2011 I am not a scholar but a fan of history. I also believe strongly in public support of public education, so that even childless citizens are not compelled to live among morons. So, hearing about what a crisis the American education system is in – so much so that it […]

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The Little Old Lady and Her Prayer

My brother treated me to this e-mail today (11/25/11). In church on Sunday, I overheard the little old lady in the pew next to me saying a short private prayer. It was so sweet and sincere that I just had to share it with you: “Dear Lord, These past couple of years has been tough.... […]

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Not One Dime

There was a 1931 song in which the lyric, written by "Yip" Harburg, goes in part, They used to tell me I was building a dream, and so I followed the mob, When there was earth to plow, or guns to bear, I was always there right on the job. They used to tell me […]

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Class Warfare and Free Stuff

My brother loves to forward such right-leaning e-mails as the one reproduced below. But seeing not much evidence of critical thought in it, I just had to respond. The full e-mail is quoted below with a few responses to break up and fact-check the bullshit: About FREE STUFF I AM FORWARDING THIS EMAIL THAT I […]

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My Veterans Day Message (11/11/2011)

I don’t get all gooey over US soldiers. No, I have never served in the military, although I could have been drafted to fill a body bag in Việt Nam. Yes, I applaud the admirable courage our soldiers show, and our veterans have shown, as well as their commendable devotion to duty. But that courage […]

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See If I Got This Right!!!

I’ve seen this e-mail diatribe before and it left me unimpressed. But it was forwarded to me recently by a “conservative” relative (I’m the only non-conservative in the family) and I couldn’t resist responding. First is the argument, then I give my response. If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you get 12 years […]

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Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

May 6: George Clooney

"I don't believe in Heaven and Hell. I don't know if I believe in God. All I know is that as an individual, I won't allow this life – the only thing I know to exist – to be wasted."

Daily Almanac

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