Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.

Alphabetical Index

  • Personalities

Adams, Douglas (1952)

Adams, John (1735)

Adams, John Quincy (1767)

Addams, Jane (1860)

Albertus Magnus (d. 1280)

Allen, Woody (1935)

Altman, Robert (1925)

Anders, Günther (1902)

Angier, Natalie (1958)

Anthony, Susan B. (1820)

Arago, François (1786)

Aristotle (d. 32BCE)

Arnold, Matthew (1822)

Arrhenius, Svante (1859)

Asimov, Isaac (1920)

Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal (1881)

Augustine of Hippo (354)

Averroës (d. 1198)

Bacon, Francis (1561)

Bacon, Kevin (1958)

Bailey, Samuel (1791)

Bain, Alexander (1818)

Baker, Russell (1925)

Bakunin, Mikhail (1814)

Baldwin, James (1924)

Baldwin, James Mark (1861)

Ballance, John (1839)

Balzac, Honoré de (1799)

Bardem, Javier (1969)

Barker, Dan (1949)

Barry, Dave (1947)

Bartók, Béla (1881)

Barton, Clara (1821)

Bastian, Adolf (1826)

Bastian, Henry Charlton (1837)

Bates, Henry Walter (1825)

Bauer, Bruno (1809)

Bayle, Pierre (1647)

Beauvoir, Simone de (1908)

Bebel, August (1840)

Beccaria, Cesare (1738)

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770)

Benavente, Jacinto (1866)

Bentham, Jeremy (1748)

Bergman, Ingmar (1918)

Bergson, Henri (1859)

Berlin, Irving (1888)

Berlioz, Hector (1803)

Besant, Annie (1847)

Bettany, Paul (1971)

Bierce, Ambrose (1842)

Bizet, Georges (1838)

Björk (1965)

Björnson, Björnstjerne (1832)

Blass, Bill (1922)

Boito, Arrigo (1842)

Bolívar, Simón (1783)

Bradbury, Ray (1920)

Bradlaugh, Charles (1833)

Brahms, Johannes (1833)

Brandes, Georg (1842)

Brando, Marlon (1924)

Branson, Richard (1950)

Brecht, Bertolt (1898)

Broca, Paul (1824)

Bronowski, Jacob (1906)

Brooke, Rupert (1887)

Browne, Sir Thomas (1605)

Browning, Robert (1812)

Bruce, Lenny (1925)

Büchner, Ludwig (1824)

Buck, Pearl S. (1892)

Buddha (56BCE)

Buffet, Warren (1930)

Burbank, Luther (1849)

Buren, Martin Van (1782)

Burns, Robert (1759)

Burroughs, John (1837)

Burton, Richard (1925)

Burton, Sir Richard Francis (1821)

Butler, Samuel (1835)

Byron, Lord (1788)

Calvin, John (1509)

Cameron, James (1954)

Campbell, Thomas (1777)

Camus, Albert (1913)

Carducci, Giosuè (1835)

Carlile, Richard (1790)

Carlin, George (1937)

Carlyle, Thomas (1795)

Carnegie, Andrew (1835)

Carolla, Adam (1964)

Carrera, Asia (1973)

Castro, Fidel (1926)

Catherine II (the Great) of Russia (1729)

Cavendish, Henry (1731)

Cavett, Dick (1936)

Champollion, Jean François (1790)

Chancellor, John (1927)

Chatterton, Thomas (1752)

Chaucer, Geoffrey (d. 1400)

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (10BCE)

Clooney, George (1961)

Combes, Émile (1904)

Comte, Auguste (1798)

Condorcet, Marquis de (1743)

Confucius (55BCE)

Conrad, Joseph (1857)

Constantine the Great (31CE)

Copernicus, Nicholas (1473)

Crisp, Quentin (1908)

Cross, David (1964)

Cumont, Franz Valery-Marie (1868)

Curie, Marie (1867)

D’Annunzio, Gabriele (1863)

D’Holbach, Baron (1723)

Dante Alighieri (under Gemini, 1265)

Danton, Georges (1759)

Darrow, Clarence (1857)

Darwin, Charles (1809)

Darwin, Erasmus (1731)

David, Jacques-Louis (1748)

Dawkins, Richard (1941)

Debussy, Claude (1862)

Delacroix, Eugène (1798)

Dennett, Daniel (1942)

Dershowitz, Alan M. (1938)

Descartes, René (1596)

Dewey, John (1859)

Dickens, Charles (1812)

Dickens, Charles, and “A Christmas Carol” (1843)

Diderot, Denis (1713)

DiFranco, Ani (1970)

Diller, Phyllis (1917)

Dolet, Étienne (1724)

Douglas, Stephen A. (1813)

Draper, John William (1811)

Du Bois, W.E.B. (1868)

Dumas fils, Alexandre (1834)

Dupont, Pierre Samuel (1739)

Durant, Will (1885)

Eco, Umberto (1932)

Eddy, Mary Baker (1821)

Edison, Thomas (1847)

Ehrenreich, Barbara (1941)

Einstein, Albert (1879)

Eliot, George (1819)

Elizabeth I (1533)

Ellis, Havelock (1859)

Ellison, Harlan (1934)

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803)

Engels, Friedrich (1820)

Erasmus, Desiderius (1466)

Erdős, Paul (1913)

Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas von (1804)

Feynman, Richard P. (1918)

Flaubert, Gustave (1821)

Flynt, Larry (1942)

Forel, Auguste (1848)

Foster, Jodie (1962)

Fourier, Jean Bapiste Joseph (1768)

Fox, Robin Lane (1946)

France, Anatole (1844)

Frank, Barney (1940)

Franklin, Benjamin (1706)

Frazer, Sir James George (b. 1854)

Frederick the Great (1712)

Freeman, Morgan (1937)

Freud, Sigmund (1856)

Gaines, William M. (1922)

Galileo (1564)

Galsworthy, John (1867)

Gardener, Helen Hamilton (1853)

Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807)

Garrison, William Lloyd (1805)

Gates, Bill (1955)

Gautier, Théophile (1811)

Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis (1778)

Gaylor, Annie Laurie (1955)

Geddes, Sir Patrick (1854)

Geldof, Bob (1954)

Geller, Uri (1946)

Gervais, Ricky (1961)

Giamatti, Paul (1967)

Gibbon, Edward (1737)

Glass, Ira (1959)

Gleick, James (1954)

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749)

Gorbachev, Mikhail S. (1931)

Gordimer, Nadine (1923)

Gorky, Maxim (1868)

Gould, Stephen Jay (1941)

Gourmont, Remy de (1858)

Graffin, Greg (1965)

Grant, Ulysses S. (1822)

Griffin, Kathy (1960)

Hadrian (7CE)

Haldane, J.B.S. (1892)

Haldeman-Julius, E. (1889)

Hale, Alan and Comet Hale-Bopp (1995)

Halley, Edmund (1656)

Harburg, Yip (1896)

Hartley, Nina (1959)

Haught, James A. (1932)

Hawking, Stephen (1942)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804)

Hearn, Lafcadio (1850)

Hefner, Hugh M. (1953)

Hegel, Georg W.F. (1770)

Heine, Heinrich (1797)

Heinlein, Robert A. (1907)

Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821)

Hemingway, Ernest (1899)

Hepburn, Katharine (1907)

Hitchens, Christopher (1949)

Hitler, Adolph (1889)

Hobbes, Thomas (1588)

Holmes Jr., Oliver Wendell (1841)

Hook, Sidney (1902)

Houdini, Harry (1874)

Howells, William Dean (1837)

Hughes, Langston (1902)

Hugo, Victor (1802)

Hume, David (1711)

Hunt, Leigh (1784)

Huxley, Julian (1887)

Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825)

Ibsen, Henrik (1828)

Ignatius Loyola (1541)

Ingersoll, Robert Green (1833)

Jacoby, Susan (1945)

James A. M. Whistler (1834)

James, William (1842)

Jefferson, Thomas (1743)

Jenkins, Stephan (1964)

Jillette, Penn (1955)

Joan of Arc (1412)

Joel, Billy (1949)

Jolie, Angelina (1975)

Jonson, Ben (1572)

Joyce, James (1882)

Juárez, Benito (1806)

Kant, Immanuel (1724)

Karlfeldt, Erik Axel (1864)

Keats, John (1795)

Keith, Arthur (1866)

Kennedy, Sir Ludovic (1919)

King, Larry (1933)

Kinsella, W.P. (1935)

Kinsley, Michael (1951)

Knightley, Keira (1985)

Kropotkin, Peter (1842)

Kundera, Milan (1929)

Lamarck, Marquis de (1744)

Lamb, Charles (1775)

Lamont, Corliss (1902)

Lancaster, Burt (1913)

Landor, Walter Savage (1775)

Langmuir, Irving (1881)

Laughton, Charles (1899)

Laurie, Hugh (1959)

Laveran, Alphonse (1845)

Leakey, Richard (1944)

Lee, Bruce (1940)

Lee, Gypsy Rose (1914)

Lehrer, Tom (1928)

Lennon, John (1940)

Leonardo da Vinci (1452)

Lewis, Sinclair (1885)

Liebknecht, Wilhelm (1826)

Lincoln, Abraham (1809)

Locke, John (1632)

Lombroso, Cesare (1835)

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807)

Lovecraft, H.P. (1890)

Lowell, Percival (1855)

Lyell, Charles (1797)

Macartney, James (1770)

MacFarlane, Seth (1973)

Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469)

Mackintosh, Sir James (1765)

MacLachlan, Sarah (1968)

Madison, James (1751)

Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862)

Mahavira (c56BCE) and Jainism

Maher, Bill (1956)

Malkovich, John (1953)

Manilow, Barry (1943)

Mann, Horace (1796)

Marcus Aurelius (12CE)

Maréchal, Sylvain (1750)

Marlowe, Christopher (1564)

Márquez, Gabriel García (1927)

Marx, Karl (1818)

Mascagni, Pietro (1863)

Maslow, Abraham (1909)

Matthews, Dave (1967)

Maugham, W. Somerset (1874)

Maupassant, Guy de (1850)

Maxim, Hiram (1840)

McCabe, Joseph (1867)

McKellen, Sir Ian (1939)

McQueen, Thelma “Butterfly” (1911)

McTaggart, John (J.M.E.) (1866)

Melville, Herman (1819)

Mencken, H.L. (1880)

Mendel, Gregor (1822)

Meslier, Jean (1678)

Meyer, Ronald Bruce (1954)

Michel, Louise “Red Virgin” (1830)

Michelangelo (1475)

Michelet, Jules (1798)

Mill, John Stuart (1806)

Milton, John (1608)

Minsky, Marvin (1927)

Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de (1749)

Miranda, Francisco de (1754)

Mitterand, François (1916)

Molière (1622)

Montague, Lady Mary Wortley (1689)

Montaigne, Michel de (1533)

Montesquieu, Baron de (1689)

Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel (1740)

Monty Python’s Last Flying Circus (1974)

Moore, George (1852)

Morellet, André (1727)

Morgan, Augustus De (1806)

Morris, William (1834)

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756)

Muhammad (d. 632) and Islam

Nansen, Fridtjof (1861)

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769)

Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889)

Newcomb, Simon (1835)

Newman, Randy (1943)

Nichols, Mike (1931)

Nicholson, Jack (1937)

Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844)

Nightingale, Florence (1820)

Nobel, Alfred (1833)

Nostradamus (d. 1566)

O’Hair, Madalyn Murray (1919)

O’Higgins, Bernardo (1778)

Orwell, George (1903)

Osler, William (1849)

Paganini, Niccolò (1782)

Paglia, Camille (1947)

Paine, Thomas (1737)

Pascal, Blaise (1654)

Pasteur, Louis (1822)

Payne, Cecilia (1900)

Pegg, Simon (1970)

Penn, Sean (1960)

Phillpotts, Eden (1862)

Pinker, Steven (1954)

Pirandello, Luigi (1867)

Pitt, Brad (1963)

Pitt, William, the Elder (1708)

Planck, Max (1858)

Poe, Edgar Allan (1809)

Polanski, Roman (1933)

Pope Alexander VI (1492)

Pope Boniface VIII: Bad Pope (1295)

Pope Gregory I (“the Great”) Becomes Pope (590): How Great Was He?

Pope Gregory VII Hildebrand (d. 1085)

Pope Leo XIII (1810)

Pope Sixtus IV (1471)

Pope Urban VIII (d. 1644)

Pope, Alexander (1688)

Popper, Karl (1902)

Pratchett, Terry (1948)

Rabelais, François (d. 1553)

Radcliffe, Daniel (1989)

Ramsay, Sir William (1852)

Rand, Ayn (1905)

Randi, James “The Amazing” (1928)

Reagan Jr., Ron (1958)

Renan, Ernest (1823)

Rhys-Jones, Griff (1953)

Richelieu the Red Eminence (1585)

Richet, Charles (1850)

Ricker, Marilla Marks (1840)

Rivera, Diego (1886)

Rizal, José (1861)

Roddenberry, Gene (1921)

Rooney, Andy (1919)

Rose, Ernestine (1810)

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712)

Rubinstein, Artur (1887)

Rushdie, Salman (1947)

Ruskin, John (1819)

Russell, Bertrand (1872)

Sadat, Anwar (d. 1981)

Sagan, Carl (1934)

Sand, George (1804)

Sanger, Margaret (1879)

Santayana, George (1863)

Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905)

Schiller, Friedrich von (1759)

Schlesinger Jr., Arthur M. (1917)

Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788)

Schubert, Franz (1797)

Schulz, Charles M. (1922)

Schumann, Robert (1810)

Scott, Eugenie (1945)

Scott, George C. (1927)

Servetus, Michael (1511)

Shakespeare, William (1564)

Shaw, George Bernard (1856)

Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792)

Shermer, Michael (1954)

Silverman, Sarah (1970)

Sinclair, Upton (1878)

Singer, Peter (1946)

Smith, Adam (1723)

Smith, Joseph (1830)

Soros, George (1930)

Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch) (1632)

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815)

Stendhal (1783)

Stephen, Sir Leslie (1832)

Stern, Howard (1954)

Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850)

Strauss, Richard (1864)

Strindberg, August (1849)

Sutherland, Donald (1934)

Symonds, John Addington (1840)

Taft, William Howard (1857)

Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich (1840)

Teller (1948)

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809)

Terkel, Studs (1912)

Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811)

Thompson, Emma (1959)

Thoreau, Henry David (1817)

Titov, Gherman S. (1935)

Torquemada, Tomás de (d. 1498)

Trotsky, Leon (1879)

Turgenev, Ivan (1818)

Turner, J.M.W. “Joseph” (1775)

Turner, Ted (1938)

Twain, Mark (1835)

Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett (1832)

Tyndale, William (d. 1536)

Tyndall, John (1820)

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813)

Vesalius, Andreas (1514)

Vidal, Gore (1925)

Vigny, Alfred de (1797)

Virchow, Rudolf (1821)

Voltaire (1694)

Vonnegut Jr, Kurt (1922)

Wagner, Richard (1813)

Walpole, Horace (1717)

Walpole, Robert (1676)

Washington, George (1732)

Washington, George: As President (1789)

Watson, Rebecca (1980)

Watt, James (1736)

Wells, H. G. (1866)

Westermarck, Edward (1862)

Whedon, Joss (1964)

Whitman, Walt (1819)

Wilde, Oscar (1854)

Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759)

Woolf, Virginia (1882)

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867)

Wright, Richard (1908)

Wundt, Wilhelm Max (1832)

Xavier, Francis (1506)

Yeats, William Butler (1865)

Zappa, Frank (1940)

Zola, Émile (1840)

Zwingli, Huldrych (1484)

  • Topics

Adultery and Religion: Anne Boleyn Executed for Adultery (1536)

Anesthesia and Religion (1842)

Animal Cruelty and Religion: Founding the ASPCA (1866)

Animal Cruelty and Religion: Founding the RSPCA (1822)

Anti-Semitism and Religion: State of Israel Declared (1948)

Astrology: The Great Aquarian Conjunction (1962)

Astronomy and Religion: King of Siam’s Eclipse (1868)

Astronomy and Religion: Royal Observatory Opens (1675)

Baptism: Anabaptist Felix Manz Executed by Baptism (1527)

Bible of Johann Gutenberg (1452)

Birth Control and Religion: The Pill Approved by FDA (1960)

Blasphemy: Thomas Aikenhead Hanged for Blasphemy (1697)

Celibacy and Religion: Sacerdotalis cælibatus (1967)

Censorship and Religion: American Library Association Adopts “Library Bill of Rights” (1948)

Censorship and Religion: Index of Prohibited Books (1564)

Censorship and Religion: Nazi Book Burning in Germany (1933)

Censorship and Religion: Percy Bysshe Shelley Expelled for “The Necessity of Atheism” (1811)

Chivalry: Hugh of Cluny (1109) and the Age of Chivalry

Chivalry: Sir Thomas Malory’s “Morte d’Arthur” (1485) and the Age of Chivalry

“Christian Science” and Mary Baker Eddy (1821)

Christianity’s True Record: The Lie of Arnold Toynbee (1937)

Christianizing the Indians (1649)

Comets and Religion: Donati’s Comet Discovered (1858)

Communion: “Quam singulari” (1910)

Communism and Religion: US Recognizes USSR (1933)

Confession: Bill Clinton’s “Map Room Speech” (1998)

Conquest and Christianity: Hernando Cortes (d. 1547)

Consecration of Chartres Cathedral (1260)

Creation and James Ussher (400BCE)

Dark Ages: Pope Benedict III (d. 858)

Defender of the Faith: Henry VIII (1521)

Divorce and Religion: Synod of Aachen (862)

Dueling and Religion: Alexander Pushkin (1799)

Education and Religion: First U.S. Public School Founded (1635)

Education and Religion: Pontifical Biblical Commission (1909)

Egyptian Religion and Howard Carter (1922)

Evolution and Religion: “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” released (2008)

Evolution and Religion: “Inherit the Wind” Opens on Broadway (1955)

Evolution and Religion: The Butler Act (1925)

Excommunication: Clement VII v. Henry VIII (1533)

Exorcism: “The Exorcist” Released (1973)

Feminism and Religion: 19th Amendment Passed (1919)

Feminism and Religion: Femen Cuts the Cross in Kiev (2012)

Feminism and Religion: National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) Formed (1869)

Freemasonry Condemned by Pope Clement XII (1738)

French Revolution (1793) and the Church

Geology and Religion: James Hutton (1726)

God’s Love, The Four Chaplains and (1943)

Government and Religion: Creating the “Lemon Test” (1971) and Alton Lemon

Government and Religion: Creating the “Sherbert Test” (1963)

Government and Religion: Émile Combes and Church-State Separation (1904)

Government and Religion: Roger Williams Banished (1635)

Government and Religion: Torcaso v. Watkins (1961): No Religious Test for Public Office

Henry VIII and the First Act of Supremacy (1534)

Heresy: Giordano Bruno Burned for Heresy (1600)

Heresy: Jan Hus Burned for Heresy (1415)

Heresy: Sir John Oldcastle (d. 1417) and the Lollards

Hypocrisy (Religious): Jimmy Swaggart Busted (1988)

Immaculate Conception and Pius IX (1854)

Indulgences for Sale: Excused for Sin (1343)

Infallibility and the Popes (1870)

Jesus – a Split Personality: The Council of Chalcedon (451)

Labor and Religion: May Day General Strike (1866)

Labor and Religion: Wat Tyler’s Rebellion (1381): A Peasants Revolt

Law and Religion: Penn Educates Lawyers (1790)

Libraries and Religion: Library of Congress Established (1800)

Mary Baker Eddy and “Christian Science” (1821)

Medicine and Religion: Guy de Chauliac (1368)

Miracles of St. Patrick (d. 461)

Moonies Over America: Sun Myung Moon Released from Prison (1950)

Nudity and Religion: The First Public Strip-tease (1893)

Paganism and Christianity: The Temple of Apollo Dedicated (2 BCE)

Pascal’s Wager and Blaise Pascal (1623)

Persecution: Abdication of Diocletian and Maximian (30 CE)

Persecution: Branch Davidian Conflagration, Waco, Texas (1993)

Persecution: Christians and the Diocletian Persecution (303)

Persecution: Raid on YFZ Ranch (2008)

Piltdown Man Hoax Fossils Exposed (1953)

Prayer in Public School (1995)

Prayer: Pius XII, “Optatissima pax” (1947) and the Powerlessness of Prayer

Progress and Religion: Chicago World’s Fair (1933)

Prostitution and Religion: Heidi Fleiss Sent to Prison (1997)

Psychology and Religion: American Psychological Association Organized (1892)

Reformation and Martin Luther (1517)

"Reign of Terror" (1793) and the Church

Relics and Religion: Shroud of Turin (1978)

Religion vs. Religion: Saturnalia and Christmas

Religion vs. Religion: The Great Schism Ends (1965)

Sainthood and What It Means: Bernard Becomes a Saint (1153)

Sanitation and Religion: Typhoid Mary (1915)

Scholarship and Religion: “Lamentabili sane” (1907)

Scientists and Religion: James D. Watson and Francis Crick Describe DNA (1953)

Scientists and Religion: Thomas Edison’s First Sound Recording (1877)

Scientology: First Church of Scientology is established in Los Angeles (1954)

Sex and Religion: Hugh M. Hefner and “Playboy” (1953)

Sex and Religion: Sacerdotalis cælibatus (1967)

Shroud of Turin (1978)

Slavery and Religion: First US Abolitionist Society Founded (1775)

Spirituality and Brutality: Pope Eugene IV (1431)

Syllabus of Errors and Pius IX (1864)

Toleration and Religion: Edgardo Mortara “spared” from Judaism (1858)

Toleration and Religion: Lord Baltimore’s Charter in Maryland (1632)

Toleration and Religion: Louis XVI Recognizes Protestants (1787)

Torture and Religion: Giles Corey (d. 1692)

Unlucky 13? The Knights Templars Arrested (1307)

Virginity and Religion: The Virgin Mary (1555)

War and Religion: Baroness Bertha von Suttner (1843)

War and Religion: The Peace of Westphalia (1648)

Witchcraft and Christianity: A Day of Fasting and Penance for Witch Executions (1997)

Witchcraft and Christianity: Alse Young: First Witch Executed in the US (1647)

Witchcraft and Christianity: Last Witch Burning in Germany (1775)

Witchcraft and Religion: Last Witch Execution in Switzerland (1782)

Women and Religion: 19th Amendment Passed (1919)

Women and Religion: Femen Cuts the Cross in Kiev (2012)

Women and Religion: National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) Formed (1869)

Workers and Religion: “Rerum novarum” Issued (1891)

Workers and Religion: May Day General Strike (1866)

Workers and Religion: Wat Tyler’s Rebellion (1381): A Peasants Revolt

  • Events

End of the World? (1844)

“Exorcist” Released (1973): Exorcism

“Frailty” Film Premiere (2001)

“Godspell” opens on Broadway (1971)

“In God We Trust” on US Coins (1864)

“Jesus Christ Superstar” opens on Broadway (1971)

“Last Temptation of Christ” Released (1988)

“Passion of the Christ” released (2004)

“Under God” Added to Pledge of Allegiance (1954)

Báb Executed (1850)

Babylonian “Captivity” Ends: Cyrus the Great Conquers Babylon (53BCE)

Bastille Day (1789)

Biblical Flood (234BCE)

Bill of Rights Passed by the U.S. Congress (1789)

Calendar Reform: Pope Gregory XIII Elected (1572)

Christmas Day (4 BCE?)

Columbine Massacre (1999) and Religion

Columbus Discovers the New World (1492)

“Common Sense” Published by Thomas Paine (1776)

Conversion of Blaise Pascal (1654)

Cornell University Founded (1865)

Council of Trent (1545)

Declaration of the Rights of Man (1751)

Fabian Society Founded (1884)

Fátima: The Third Secret Revealed (1917)

First Crusade (1095)

First Crusade Captures Jerusalem (1099), Then Kills Everyone

First Movie Kiss (1910)

Flag Day (1777)

French Headscarf Ban Becomes Law (2004)

Galileo Recants Before the Inquisition (1633)

Great Disappointment (1844)

Great Fire of London (1666)

Jesuits Approved by Pope Paul III (1540)

Jim Jones and the People’s Temple Suicide (1978)

John T. Scopes Found Guilty of Teaching Science! (1925)

Leo XIII Proclaims a Jubilee (1885): What Is a Jubilee?

Martin Luther Condemned By Leo X (1520)

Moonies Over America: Sun Myung Moon Released from Prison (1950)

Moroni the Angel Appears to Joseph Smith (1827)

Muhammad’s Hegira (622)

Murder of Thomas Becket (1170)

Papacy Forged: Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul (trad.)

Patrick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” Speech (1775)

Peter Martyred at Rome?: Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul (trad.)

Pledge of Allegiance Published (1892)

Promise Keepers March on Washington (1997)

Pussy Riot Arrested for Protest Art in Church (2012)

Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572)

Salvation Army Founded (1865)

September 11 (2001)

Technology and Religion: Samuel F.B. Morse Thanks God for What Man Hath Wrought (1844)

Thanksgiving (1621): At First, a Secular Celebration

Treaty with Tripoli (1797): Is America a Christian Nation?

Vatican Recognizes Israel (1993)

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Becomes Law (1786)

Westminster Abbey Consecrated (1065): Apostates at the Abbey

World Council of Churches Formed (1948): What is a Church?

Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

January 19: James Watt

Andrew Carnegie says Watt was a Deist and never attended church.

Daily Almanac

Coming soon!

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