Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.

Liberal Genocide & Hypocrites

Reposted from SocioPentothal: A last haven of truth
Original posting 3/10/2017

Watch the video below… Then read on.

Liberal Genocide

Facts, evidence, truth. They are the result of objective reasoning, investigation, and rigorous testing. They are not manifestations of wild, ignorant imaginations. And yet, in the video you just watched, the number of lies being preached to the minions of madness in attendance, speaks volumes to the great hypocrisy of GOP politicians and their mindless, ignorant, xenophobic, racist, white male dominated, female subjugated, despicable waste of humanity followers. Three months into the new administration – and quite possibly the most corrupt administration to have ever led the country – the same lies used to subvert reality and put the GOP into the driver’s seat of the United States, are still being used to push an agenda that is far darker than simply trying to win an election. The very core of all these lies is a festering pustule of hate that welcomingly embraces and celebrates genocidal tribalism. It’s a grotesque side of humanity that some countries around the world have been unfortunate enough to experience first-hand. Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Rwanda, Bosnia-Herzegovina, ISIL’s genocide of Yazidis… These are just some of the genocides in the 20th and 21st centuries driven by intense hatred of others for whatever insidious excuse. But now…

Watch the video again. Listen to the intense vitriol, barbaric hatred, and the insidious dehumanization of Liberals, Muslims, Jews, and others, by the speakers and interviewees. Pay close attention to the manner with which they deliver their messages. It wreaks of a thirst for blood. It smacks of racial, religious, and political purity, of tribalism, of authoritarianism, of fascism.  And all of it spewing from the minds and out of the mouths of people who, FOR YEARS AND YEARS, claimed to be “Patriots”! This is a political party that SWORE that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were sacred, and that freedom and liberty for all was irreproachable!


“Lock her up!”  “If she really is that Jewish, she should go back to her country, that girl right there.” Obama’s birth certificate is fake. “The Democratic party is anti-American… they’re liars and cheaters… and they want to wipe us out.  We need to wipe them out!”  “I just want to let them know that I can’t wait for the Liberal genocide to begin. That’s the way to make America great again because Liberals are destroying the country.” These are just a few of the statements from the video you just watched. How reprehensible and frightening do you find these statements? Personally, I’m not surprised. The GOP propaganda juggernaut has been in full swing for nearly 30 years. It has been tremendously potent, fact free, and completely dedicated to seizing power at all costs. Party before country.  At the same time, the GOP has repeatedly laid sole claim to a moral high ground that is best described as “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” or simply “I don’t recall.” Add to this disgusting display of hypocrisy the fellatio-fest they have with the Religious Right every election cycle, portraying themselves as the keepers of liberty… Well, you get the vomitus picture. Anyway…

I can’t tell you how many times a day for the past 30 years I’ve heard the GOP called hypocrites. Politicians, pundits, radio show hosts, TV hosts, voters… If they are GOP, they seem to be immune to the conventional meaning of the word and the implications of it.  But I have a theory as to why the word doesn’t appear to have any impact on them. First, the GOP engages in, what psychologist’s call, “projection.” This is a bad thing.

Wikipedia calls Psychological Projection “a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.”

The word Hypocrisy, as most sensible and sane folks understand it, is not complimentary. And Wikipedia would seem to agree: “Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence in general sense, dissimulation, pretense, sham. It is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another.”

I propose that the GOP doesn’t consider projection as something bad, therefore, to be called a hypocrite is simply a compliment?

Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

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