Freethought Almanac

Lighting a candle in toxic air.

February 2: James Joyce (1882)

It was on this date, February 2, 1882, that Irish author James Joyce was born James Augustine Aloysius Joyce in Dublin, the son of a Roman Catholic mother and an underachieving father. James Joyce’s early education was from Irish Jesuits, who (he said) taught him to think straight — but he rejected their religion while very young, considering it “black magic.” “I confess that I do not see what good it does to fulminate against the English tyranny while the Roman tyranny occupies the palace of the soul,” said Joyce. “For me there is only one alternative to scholasticism, scepticism.”…

To read more, go to THIS LINK.

Originally published February 2004 by Ronald Bruce Meyer.

Ronald Bruce Meyer

Our Fearless Leader.

Daily Almanac

October 7: Religion and Cornell University

Cornell University Founded (1865) It was on this date, October 7, 1865, that US businessman Ezra Cornell, and respected scholar Andrew Dickson White, chartered and founded the Ivy League University in Ithaca, New York, known as Cornell. "Uncle Ezra," as he is affectionately known on campus, had a vision: "I would found an institution where […]

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